Save 1 hour at the dealership. Fill out our secure application to lock in your rate today.
Regulation B
By ticking 'I Agree', you both certify in accordance with Regulation B that you both intend to apply for joint credit.
By clicking ‘Apply for pre-approval’, you are accepting that all of the statements in this application are true and made for the purpose of obtaining credit for your vehicle. You authorize us to begin a credit investigation, including obtaining your consumer credit report, and to forward or allow direct electronic access to your application to lenders, financial institution, or other third parties in order to process your application. We the Auto Dealer, may obtain information about you as described in the notice, which we handle as stated in our privacy policy notice. This does not apply to information obtained in a non-financial transaction.
By clicking on the I Agree checkbox, you are confirming that you have read and understand the Privacy Notice and Electronic Signature Disclosure, your name as entered in the Electronic Signature is accurate, and you are authorizing Easy Auto under all applicable federal and state laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act, to obtain information from your personal credit profile. Also, you are confirming you understand that any pre-approval is subject to review and acceptance of credit information.
Credit application received. Thank you for trusting Easy Auto with your financing needs. A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.